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January 21, 2025

In Loving Memory ~

I was, and will remain, extremely saddened to learn of the sudden death of a man very dear to my heart, Ricky Emerson. I got to know Ricky many, many years ago when my sister, Harla, lived with Ricky's dad, Brian Emerson. Ricky and my son, Bradley Eve, were close friends.

Bradley rented a room from Ricky for many years, until Bradley's death in August 2023. They both had very strong personalities and squabbled often but only over minor things—sports mostly. They were like brothers to each other.

Ricky was such a sweetheart! Rough around the edges perhaps but with a heart of gold. He would do anything—for anybody—at any time! All you had to do was ask and he would be there willingly, with a smile on his face, never asking for anything in return. I will always remember his "Ya, Ya!" response to many situations.

One of Ricky's habits was to walk to the nearby McDonald's for his daily coffee. For some reason, he saved the empty cups and had a huge stack of them on his front porch. I wonder who, if anybody, will inherit that collection!

The world has lost a wonderful human being with his death. He was a unique individual, with a unique personality and will be irreplaceable.

I hope Ricky will rest in peace and somehow reconnect with those who have preceded him in death—heaven may never be the same!

Thanks to Herb and Donna for being there for him in his greatest time of need—comforting to know he was among such dear friends.

Love to Ricky from a saddened heart,

Miqueline Rutley