March 11, 1980 - April 20, 2024
In loving memory ~
In the quiet of the morning, from the comfort of my couch, I observe a gentle breeze swaying the tree branches which are lit with golden sunlight. The front yard is showing signs of nature's beauty as new life begins to emerge. My heavy heart compels me to tell you about my precious son, Logan. You would have loved him as many did. Unknown to us, Logan was born with a condition called Friedrich's Ataxia. He was positively diagnosed in his grade four year at Beairsto. Life as he knew it would progressively be altered.
Logan endured many physical hardships due to this condition. Over time, he lost his mobility, the use of his hands, speech, and sight but not his hearing.
The strength of his loving personality never wavered as he navigated his challenged life. Wheelchair-bound, he completed a Bachelor of Science with a Math Major from OUC in Kelowna. Wheelchair-bound, he spent a year at the University of Calgary, taking actuary courses. As his condition progressed, his educational potential slipped away but not his love of learning.
Audio books and podcasts became his greatest pleasures. I would often hear his laughter as he listened. Most mornings while still in bed, he would ask for his reader and a broad smile would greet me. I was so thankful that he had found some happiness in his closed world.
As the need for more support grew, so did our extended family. Logan and I were blessed with an amazing team of extra moms and dads. They each brought love, care and joyfulness into our home. My determined desire to have Logan at home was strongly supported through all their loving efforts. I could not have achieved my dream for Logan without them. A deep love bond blossomed amongst us all. A bond that will never be broken.
April 20 at 6:00 pm, Logan's amazingly hard life's journey ended due to an affected gallbladder. Who would have guessed!!
As I brought life to him, I released him to move forward, towards the new life that he had planned for himself. The three Musketeers are now only two. Me, his mom, Donna Scott and his older brother, Egan Mandreck are hugely devastated. The Musketeers' motto of "One for all and all for one." will lead our new lives as it had done with Logan. Our shared grief over Logan's passing touches many hearts. A book called Loss by Donna Ashworth, wrote that grief was love turned inside out.
To share our love for Logan, please join us for a celebration of his life, which will be held on Friday, May 24th at 2:00 pm in the new Coldstream Hall. Extra parking is provided over on the church's property.
For those who are unable to attend, I hope to have a live feed from the hall. When this becomes available, I will pass on that information.
Service Details
2:00 PM