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Harrison fire chief resigns

Trevor Todd is the latest of several departures from the village since election day
Harrison Hot Springs Fire Chief Trevor Todd has resigned from his position, according to a report to village council. (Observer File Photo)

Harrison Hot Springs Fire Chief Trevor Todd has resigned.

The circumstances of Todd’s resignation have not been made public, but it was an item for discussion during a closed meeting on Aug. 25.

The in-camera or closed portion of council meetings, when applicable, are closed to the public to allow officials to discuss certain issues, most commonly personnel, land or legal matters. Certain items can later be released to the public record via a resolution from members of council.

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Todd served with the Harrison Hot Springs Fire Department for 11 years. He became fire chief in 2020.

Todd’s departure is the latest in a long line of key village managers and officials who have resigned since Mayor Ed Wood and the new administration took office in November. Former CAO Madeline McDonald officially retired at the end of January after having been on leave for weeks prior. Former deputy CAO Debra Key announced her retirement after having been on leave. Community services manager Rhonda Schell has left after being on leave. Financial officer Scott Schutlz – who acted as the IT and human resources manager for the village as well – departed in May but later returned to resume his position. Sonja Reyerse-Peters, the head of the village’s Advisory Planning Commission, resigned in late May. Interim CAO Kelly Ridley left her position after four months with current CAO Tyson Koch being appointed shortly after.

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Ex-councillor John Buckley resigned in early June, which triggered the Sept. 16 by-election to replace him. Buckley and Reyerse-Peters are thus far the only departing key village personnel to publicly cite conflicts with the mayor as reasons for leaving.

During the Aug. 8 meeting, Wood advised council he is directing staff to create a standing committee to investigate “frivolous” allegations of bullying, harassment and intimidation against himself. This committee is expected to assemble some time after the by-election.

Council was scheduled to decide whether or not to appoint Curtis Genest as the acting fire chief during tonight’s meeting, but it has since been cancelled.


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Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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